A Heavenly Sign, Series Of Wars, Major Biblical Events


In Genesis God declares that He created the sun and the moon for signs. 
On April 8, 2024, is the Great American Eclipse that crosses over the United States on the first day of the Hebrew month of Nisan (Passover). This was the same first day of the three days of darkness that occurred during the original plagues in Egypt. This solar eclipse is a HEAVENLY sign from the Creator which will be the starting gun for a series of wars over the next several years, including the final war against Amalek which is represented today by Radical Islam - Iran and its Hamas, Hezbollah, Isis, the Islamic Jihad, the Houthis and, some of which, are already attacking US soldiers and facilities in Iraq and Syria almost daily. In this book you'll find every Shemitah Cycle and Jubilee Cycle from the Creation of the World until today. 
You'll see the timing of major biblical and important historical events.

A Highly Recommended Christian Book Release

 High Marks for Speaking The Truth In Love

Order Speaking the Truth in Love: Navigating the Waves of the Culture at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.  For more information about the author and his book visit

Filled With Wisdom, Scripture and Kingdom Principles

CBM Christian Book Reviews
A Highly Recommended Read
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Keys to the Troubled Soul: A Self Guide to Daily Struggles by Dr. Oladapo OsuntoKun, a pastor and psychiatrist, has seen many afflicted by mental and emotional struggles. He understands people's troubles and has written a practical self-help guide to help one make sense of life’s maladies, thus offering wisdom, to include practical solutions based on years of experience, coupled with a Christian background. This wonderful book uplifts the readers to help them in their time of need. Ultimately, the author leads readers to the “real truth” in life stating, “His name is Jesus.” Within this book, he offers keys to spiritual life in overcoming that include perspective, prayer, and meditation.  

Stating that, “There is no growth without obstacles,” and that “adversities are common,” this self-guide is written with great compassion. Knowing the plethora of human struggles that can take place in one’s life, the author also relates that darkness and hopelessness can plague the mind and soul of an individual, especially wherein one feels isolated with no one to help or talk to. Reading this book is like consulting a caring friend and finding the help one needs in various areas of life, which are all common to mankind.

Giving readers a “how to” achieve “spiritual and mental clarity”, while also addressing practical solutions, and “steps to overcome challenges,” this book is laid out easily, double-spaced with powerful statements. Each sentence has a way of sinking in while reading with this format (instead of paragraphs) that is utilized. The author has created a book with the overall goal of managing daily stress and mental positivity while trusting Jesus and participating in daily Christian disciplines such as prayer; again, his book is extremely practical. Specific issues such as jealousy, betrayal, sorrow, resentment, despair, depression, drug, and alcohol use, stressed, or feeling “stuck”, regret, defeat, and failure produce a true self-help guide. Discovering who you are and taming emotions, along with perspective and the inner thought life of a person fosters maturity and transformation. The keys to a positive outlook on life with the aid of functioning as a Christian, seeking Jesus, helps one become “resilient” through life’s trials.

He states, “A real knockdown” can lead to “pin-down” wherein the person is unable to arise; this is where morals, values, and character come into play. One can learn to navigate their response to unannounced calamity. How one responds is key. He continues to give the keys through each chapter that bring maturity and build character. He encourages readers to “Always think positively, the next adversity may contain the path to your success.” Failure, hardship, disappointments, and discouragements are not the end of your story, but can be flipped to a future one may never have imagined. His message is clear: It is not the end when facing adversity.

The “Take Home Summary” at the end of each chapter is especially helpful, as the author encourages readers to keep close to God, keep peace in their heart and mind, as one hears from Jesus and the Word of God for relief, strategies, and solutions.

This book comes as a highly recommended read for those that find living in this world feels more like a battlefield! This author has put a great deal of work into writing a self-help guide that includes many issues that no one on this planet has escaped. Real, practical, uplifting, encouraging, and full of sound wisdom backed by the Biblical wisdom found in Scripture bring much hope to readers. Surely, this book helps one to become a champion in life and leads to a positive mindset that is achievable.

Surely, this book can be of much use to pastors, missionaries, parents, and the next generation as they mature into adults, giving many the tools and keys to unlocking their destinies in life.

You may get your copy of Keys to the Troubled Soul: A Self Guide to Daily Struggles at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

Definitely Will Make An Awesome Movie

 Saving Christ 
Starway Seven

This tale is a new telling of the greatest story ever told, in religious science-fiction, the first of its kind. We invite you to read along to discover the human side of Jesus.

Saving Christ is a love story between Jesus and a modern-day woman sent back in time. Time travel sends the woman to the last seven days of Jesus’ life from a modern viewpoint.

For more information about Author Francis T. Perry Williams
 JC Time Travel.

You may get your copy of 
Saving Christ: Starway Seven at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

A Time of Innocence

Home Before Dark (Volume 2)
Kim Vogler
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Kim Vogler’s Newest Edition of her book Home After Dark (Volume 2) presents her life’s memoir. Growing up in an idyllic setting in the 40’s and 50’s of suburban Idaho, her title, Home Before Dark, speaks of a time of innocence, as mother’s would say to their children to “be home before dark.” This era was encapsulated by tradition and routines wherein families could thrive. Dad worked; mom ran the house. Kim writes to reveal her childhood years, growing up loving writing and poems passed on by her father’s love of poetic writing, as she writes of the often challenging and confusing times through young adulthood into college, on to career, a failed marriage heartbreak to finding true love and success. She resoundingly states that God got her through it all! 

Revealing a young woman’s hopes to find life unfold into an adventure for self-discovery during the turbulent 60’s and finding new beginnings after heartbreak. Her resilient nature and faith in God reveal a book that wants readers to know that yes, the devil is alive and active, yet God is the One Who will get one through it all!   

As a talented author and writer, her love for writing is revealed in this book as well, professionally done, she offers hope to readers while bringing an entertaining read to the table for all that need encouragement, hope, and understanding. 

With a vibrant heart and a spirit-filled with tenacity, Kim writes to help readers understand the grace of God around every corner that not only helped her through really difficult times in her life, but points readers to the only One who can get us through difficult seasons of life.  

A Must Read! 

“Memories are like threads in the tapestry of life. Some are dark, others vibrant, but without the contrast, very drab indeed!” ~ Kim Vogler

Get your copy of Home Before Dark at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

Christian Devotional - Christian Thoughts for Every Day of the Year

Highly Recommended
CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 Stars

Christian Thoughts for Every Day of the Year (365 Christian Thoughts to Encourage, Inspire and Challenge) by Nathan Haddock provides short, daily Christian Scripture and devotionals. 

The author believes in brevity, yet makes his focus and inspiration clear to readers. The author states, “Everyone needs a little inspiration on their Christian journey.” How true this is, especially right now! Continuing, he writes, “For every unhelpful thought, a better thought is available to you.” This is a powerful truth and statement and is why readers need to get this book to shift into a forward gear after great delays across the world and nation. In particular, the world resounds with negativity, and worse, a dread for the future. 

This inspiring book is a way to add and cultivate a healthy, positive mental state in your Christian walk that will strengthen your mind, and bring a new perspective from a Biblical viewpoint. 


Following the daily calendar, the author writes on each day of the 12-month year. In this way, the author has given readers insight and a straightforward way to feed on the Word of God.  In keeping with sound Biblical doctrine, the author’s positive inspiration and insightfulness will bring a refreshing change to each day of the upcoming year. In simple ways, he digs deep, refocusing readers on God’s faithfulness, while pointing the reader to continue to walk in the good and pure ways of the Lord.


You won’t regret reading this life-changing book to foster lasting change, growth, and focus in your daily walk with God. 


This is an author who has been writing Christian inspirational thoughts and blog for twenty years. Readers can trust in his gleaning from Scripture and experience as a Christian author.

or in Kindle as a download.  

Sowing Into Good Ground - The Lives of Others

Helping those In Need
The purpose of Aid-4-Haiti is to advocate for Haitian people who are dying from hunger due to the catastrophic environmental events that they have encountered. By donating to Aid 4 Haiti, you will improve the living conditions of those in need.  You may purchase the book at Peace! Be Still! 

Emotional Mental Health

Becoming A Virtuous Woman Daily Devotions For Women starts from Day 1 and goes to Day 365. This means that you can start using this book at any time during the year. It’s not based on calendar year but rather YOUR year. This devotion will give you the chance to somewhat read the entire Bible, or at least get you close to doing that in 365 days.

With Inspirational Scriptures, Powerful Prayers, Meaningful Positive Affirmations, and Dynamic Images to get your days starting joyfully and your nights ending serenely.

Each morning and night contain a scripture, a prayer, a positive affirmation, and an image. Each page also has a place to write the date as you read and a place to write notes.

This is the all-in-one devotion that you need. It is the most complete and comprehensive devotion written, from my point of view. 

No scripture, prayer or positive affirmation is repeated. All the prayers and positive affirmations are unique to the scriptures that they’re with. You will not be bored reading this devotion. It’s different from any other devotion that you’ve read before. This is written in an interesting and engaging style to get you reading each morning and night without skipping a day.

This devotion tells the story of God and His agape love for His most beloved creation…us. This devotion is written to be read over the course of a year. However, if you find that you can’t wait to complete it over a year’s time, then go right ahead and read it how you want to read it. This devotion was written to assist you in living the best spiritual and temporal lives that you can. It was also written to make you enjoy reading the Bible and understand what it is about. This devotion is intriguing, fascinating, and a page-turner.

Once you’ve finished reading this devotion, you should understand who God is, why He did what He did for humanity, and what we need to do to be saved. Also, it tells what will happen to the heavens, to Earth and everything in it once God makes His appearance again to us.

This devotion is chronologically done, from before the beginning of creation unto the end of it. The entire story of the children of Israel is chronologically told from all the books of the Old Testament. The chronological story of Jesus Christ is also told. It also tells of the apostles who took over spreading the Gospel after Jesus left Earth. All the books of the New Testament are used to write about Jesus and His apostles. To make reading this devotion more interesting, suspenseful, and exciting, the story of the Israelites and the story of Jesus Christ are intertwined. However, they are still easy to follow.

This devotion has Important Scriptures and Powerful Prayers to help you deal with personal problems such as alcoholism, overeating, suicide, and rape. It also has Important Scriptures and Powerful Prayers to deal with major life problems like racism and environmental issues. Additionally, it has Important Scriptures and Powerful Prayers about spiritual facts such as the relationship between Jesus Christ and God, why there is no mandatory tithing now, and baptism in Jesus’ name. There are also other personal lessons, life lessons, and spiritual lessons that are addressed to help you live the best temporal life and spiritual life that you can, so that you can have the best of both worlds.

This devotion is good for: Women who want to improve and be a better version of themselves. Women who are looking for a fun way of reading the Bible. Women who are looking for a new devotion. New believers. Long-time Christians. Former Christians. Teenagers.

Becoming A Virtuous Woman Daily Devotions For Women is available at Amazon.

A Insightful and Amazing Read

  For more information visit

You may also order your copy of

Finding Freedom and Victory

 What do you do when the skies in your life turn dark?

Andy Laurie, MD, had seemingly the perfect life. He had a successful medical practice. He was starting a second career as a pastor. He was young and healthy. He had a beautiful, loving wife and four small children. His life could not have been better. It was nothing but blue skies. Then, the unthinkable hit. He was struck with a devastating illness. The skies of his once-wonderful life became dark, very dark.

Dr. Laurie has been battling illness for nearly two decades. He has now courageously shared his story with you. Relying on nearly thirty years of medical practice and over twenty years in the ministry, Dr. Laurie has written prescriptions for you to find hope, strength, contentment, joy, and even victory when the struggles of life have darkened your blue skies. 

When Skies Aren't Blue: A Physician's Personal Journey

The Authors Report Card Presents Darren Bennett's The Classroom Called Life

Available at Amazon and In Kindle - The Classroom Called Life by Darren Bennett is a collection of 40 life lessons from the author’s life and experiences. With a wonderful and delightful Christian perspective, witty quotes complement his short stories that tie into each “Life Lesson.”

Writing from a positive and inspiring attitude on life, he shares these life lessons, coupled with a few do’s and don’ts. He speaks with candor and humility, sharing his life as an open book with others, as he endeavors to teach what he has learned in what he calls, “the classroom of life.” What else would you expect from a life-long teacher.

Readers will enjoy, being given the opportunity to reflect upon their own lives from a man who has been a high school teacher for 25 years and recently retired. Bennett seems to have a real and genuine zest to live life that is certainly catchy. Quickly, readers understand that he is an outgoing personality that appreciates God in His goodness, family, and friends. Some of his stories share laughter, joy, as he shares such details as his own conversion to Christianity, and reflects back upon the Lord’s work with great thankfulness. Certain stories wake up one’s soul. Others, are quite funny, while others will really make one think about the issues of life. 

Surviving a cyclone, crocodiles, a praying friend, and a sinking ship come to mind, all memorable, yet this man’s tales, even the mundane, like visiting his old house growing up become interesting. A sprinkling of photos add to the book and each experience he shares. 

My personal favorite is when he talks about the presence of God entering a busy room of kids and what happened next. God is all about winning souls, and for the most part, this story reveals God goes after the lost, the one – and one at a time. The author’s joy and humility shine through each particular life lesson. 

The Classroom Called Life
By: Darren Bennett
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Overall, this was a fun book to read! The author’s love for life and God give hope and will put a smile on your face. Readers will not be disappointed! 

You may get your copy of The Classroom Called Life at Amazon,
in Kindle and in Audiobook.

Our Heavenly Father Is A Good Father

This is an amazing book borne out of the author’s own suffering that will surely bless others immensely! ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews.

Dr. Andy Laurie had a great life. He was living the American dream, happily married, four kids and two great careers. One as a board certified emergency room radiologist, and the other, as one of the pastors at The Bridge Christian Church. 

In When Skies Aren’t Blue, Dr. Andy Laurie shares his personal journey as a sudden and unexplainable illness brought dark clouds into his blue skies of life at the early age of thirty-nine. Following, he offers Ten Powerful Steps as prescriptions that present real hope amid those dark skies that tend to drift in without warning. With clear and an easy-to-understand Biblical teaching, coupled with prayers at the end of each step, he encourages readers to remain steadfast in hope, persevere, and hold onto their faith in a God - Who is near and real in times of trouble. 

Further shedding light on evil and sickness in our world, the author speaks candidly to all that are battling with failing health. His book offers fundamentals that teach and reveal not only the characteristics of God and our Heavenly Father as a good Father, yet he also highlights Satan and the role he plays upon this fallen world. His book presents simple truths of the Bible by helping readers understand that God is not causing sickness and thus, helps readers gain a healthy perspective. Satan is the one who comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Yet, there is hope to be found! Jesus Christ is our anchor of hope in this life and eternally. 

Dr. Laurie presents 10 powerful steps to victory. Each step is designed to point the reader to a God that is real and present, offering comfort, inspiration and scriptural insight bringing the absolute love and magnificence of God Almighty into the forefront. Dr. Andy Laurie states with unequivocal belief from the facts that God is real, He’s listening to you, and He cares for you. These 10 steps are powerful for life because they speak truth and give real help and hope for those in desperate need. 

This book comes highly recommended for those who are currently suffering with failing health (or other life storms), and are in need of hope and encouragement that is real and tangible. 

Title: When Skies Aren’t Blue
A Physician’s Personal Journey
By: Dr. Andy Laurie
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of When Skies Aren’t Blue at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit When Skies Aren’t Blue for more information about the author, his book, and his ministry.

Highly Recommended - Because He Said So

 Because He Said So:
Learn to Take God at His Word

People are often misunderstood and mistreated by others they have always looked up to and respected, including authority figures within the church, which can prevent them from reaching their God-given destiny. Many people still struggle with believing and trusting in God. They don’t know to how to use the tools given to them as believers to their fullest extent. In Because He Said So, author Talin Aintablian explains in practical ways how to have and exercise their faith and confidence in God, while challenging the reader to put faith to work step-by-step in order to see the desired results.

You may get your copy of Because He Said So at Amazon
and in Kindle as a download.

Author Craig T. Feigh

It wasn't that long ago that having ten dollars to spend, as a child, seemed like a lot of money.

If this were the case today, what would our children do, wish, enjoy, dream, or buy with a small financial windfall?

IF I HAD TEN DOLLARS delightfully answers some of these questions.

Discover different ways in which children can earn some extra income. Laugh at the antics of the fun character on every page that steals the scene. Recognize the love and affection between a little boy and his older sister. Enjoy the simple rhythmic tone of a story that children will want to hear again and again. Hunt for the hidden object to find on each page. Share the important life lesson that we can all learn from.
Participate in the hands-on fun of a coloring page.

From the author and illustrator of the popular Little Bit & Big Byte series and Qwerty, The Forgotten Typewriter comes a classic Children's Picture book about our wishes and desires and what truly makes us happy. 

Spiritual Development and Becoming Christ-Like

In a world where few Christian leaders walk in integrity and go the full distance in ministry, it is imperative to discover why so many fail while others succeed going on to complete the race. 

Eddie Fernandes continues to lead as a senior pastor for over three decades despite enormous challenges and opposition. He defends that all believers should blossom into leaders as they grow and develop spiritually. Sadly, a significant number of believers implode at a vital stage of spiritual development that he identifies as “conflict”. 

To confirm a theory for his Doctoral research, comparing our spiritual development to the trajectory of a river from source to destination, Eddie embarked on a journey covering half a dozen countries. He interviewed or surveyed 386 leaders from different churches and organizations, including Christian leaders in the business world. His conclusions proved his theory right: leaders don’t finish well because they haven’t learned how to cope with, or press beyond, the stage he identifies as “conflict”. Many never received the training, tools or much-needed help to keep going when they were blindsided by forces intent on disqualifying them as leaders and destroying their noble efforts to serve their Lord. This book provides an understanding of the seven spiritual developmental stages to help transformational leaders start and finish well: chaos, confusion, community, conformity, conflict, crossroads and Christ-likeness. 

In the final stage Eddie unpacks characteristics every Christian leader should strive to embrace. Readers will be surprised, refreshed and challenged by his insights and his own faith journey. He is a leader that has survived, and by God’s grace continues to thrive, despite many seasons of conflict, both from within and from without the Church.

You may get your copy of From Chaos To Christ-Likeness at Amazon

The Subject of Forgiveness

Authors Thurman Faison

What is the best hope for mankind, given the condition of the world we now live in? Actually, it is "forgiveness". There is no way that man has hope without God's forgiveness. This book focuses on the unfolding of God's intent to forgive man, regardless of his sins; if there is a change of heart, or simply a repentant state of mind. 

This book covers the lives of many individuals within the scriptures who experienced the forgiveness of God after great and shocking acts of evil. It shows us that there is still hope for us today. For the Lord has said unto us; "Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD, Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool."( Isaiah 1:18,19).

Author Karen Sacchetti

Unconditional Love
A True Love Story
By Karen Sacchetti

Unconditional Love Is A Romantic Thriller 
Karen and Mike unexpectedly fall in love. Their dream of building a life together is nearly destroyed after Peter's controversial death.  While Mike is reeling over the death of his brother, Peter, and drowning in deadly alcoholism, Karen finds herself in a desperate fight for Mike’s survival. She realizes that God’s unconditional love carries her through as based on her true story.

It is a story of love, abandonment, betrayal, death and victory. Karen shares miracles and how she overcame with a powerful message of hope.

Discover how Karen Learned:
  • to live in true Peace and Joy despite surrounding circumstances.
  • to live Fearlessly with Strength of Steel.
  • to live a Victorious, Transformed Life through Seven Scriptural Promises. 
"Love one another as I have loved you."  John 13:34

Be sure to visit the author at her website Karen Sacchetti 
to find out more about her book and some great ministry.

The Faithfulness of God In The Midst Of All

Come and learn that faith, courage, and overcoming does not come without struggles. Yet, God is ever faithful!

Never Forsaken is a labor of love told by Cindy Scott, the daughter of Marion Ghent Jose Lau. Her mother’s memoir reaches back in time to the early 1900’s, through WWII, to present day. Cindy Scott spent two years gathering the several manuscripts her mother penned over fifteen years and combined them with taped interviews to fill in the gaps. The finished work fulfills her promise before her mother's death to see this book, Never Forsaken, published. 

Never Forsaken is a true-life testimony of survival and restoration after WWII, including the big move to America for a better life. I was hooked from the first chapter. Marion’s rendition of life back then, her father’s radical transformation, becoming born again after being a drinker and gambler, reeled me right in. With a tinge of humor in the section of Papa’s new life, this is a touching sentiment of how the Word of God broke through such a calloused heart. 

Readers will find Marion Ghent’s harrowing journey as a young girl in the Philippines an amazing adventure. Being the youngest of eleven living siblings and the daughter of a colporteur for the American Bible Society, surely this story is an inspiring read that relates God’s absolute faithfulness and how He works in the humblest of ways. The book also relays the efforts of the foot soldiers of the Gospel, and reveals the treasure of how the Gospel goes forth.   

The Ghent’s surviving the shock of war and the tragedies that followed, shed light on loss, but a strong, persevering faith that comes to fruition in finding a new life in America. Certainly, this may be a movie in the making. Exciting, touching, and a powerful story, amazing endurance unfolds during some of life’s pivotal moments, relating Marion’s tale of never being forsaken by God. 

Leading to a triumphant restoration with long lost family members after the scattering of the War years, the author takes readers from beginning to an end of an era long gone. One will be left in awe and find inspiration to all that Marion Ghent and her relatives had to go through during those humble years in the Philippines, escaping and hiding in the jungle for three years. In this miraculous book, history literally unfolds as the awful horrors of war in a foreign country. 

Cindy Scott has culminated history and the telling of Marion's story, and her life experience that also includes photos, maps, text and indexes explaining these far off and quite exotic places in the Philippines. What an amazing read! 
This book comes highly recommended for those that enjoy true-life war stories, happy endings, with God in the mix! I sincerely hope this book becomes a movie. For me, as one who reads many books, this one was truly memorable and unforgettable. 

Never Forsaken
A young woman’s gripping account of faith, courage,
and survival during and after World War II
Author: Cindy Scott

A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0+ out of 10.0 stars
You may get your copy of Never Forsaken at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.
Be sure to visit CYD Publishing for more information about the author and her books.