Readers will find that this book is a short and easy read filled with revelation knowledge and power. By the design of the Holy Spirit this book lets the Bible do the talking instead of giving opinions. I love it when the Scripture's breathe fresh revelation and the revelation in this book paints a lovely portrait of the born again spirit.
God's Masterpiece: A Portrait of The Born Again Spirit by Herbert Fearman speaks of a very important subject that is not readily taught often, but this life-transforming principle showcased in John 3:3 and John 3:5 should be shouted from the mountain tops.
Jesus told us in John 3:3 and John 3:5 that except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God and except a man be born of water and of the Holy Spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. We should all know more about this glorious new creation that's taken place inside of every Spirit-filled believer in Jesus Christ. Yet, this book gives a portrait of the new believer’s redemption and regeneration of their spirit man
By mediating on God's Masterpiece, the author believes readers will gain insight into the New Testament, bringing clarity and a more rewarding experience. As the author states, “It's truly amazing when you begin to discover the things God has already given us and it's even more mind blowing to realize what he deposited inside of us when we gave our lives to His Son, Jesus.”
God Almighty has glorious fellowship with us right now in heavenly places that we know nothing about, but he's just beginning to pull back the curtain and give us a glimpse. The things He has done just to make sure our communion with Him will never again be broken is truly remarkable. You may order your copy of God's Masterpiece: A Portrait of The Born Again Spirit in Kindle as a download.