The Fig Tree

Mark 11:14 In response Jesus said to it, “Let no one eat fruit from you ever again.” And His disciples heard it.   

Once Jesus was hungry on the way to Jerusalem, and He and His disciples passed by a type of fig tree that has its fruit before the leaves appear. This time there were only leaves on the tree because the tree was barren. The tree spoke to the Lord by saying that it would not provide any figs. 

This is like many believers who are spoken to by the problems they are facing. The problems state: “I will not go away, and will keep troubling you. You might as well accept the idea.” You can never respond to something or someone, unless it first speaks to you, by either actions or words. 

Through its actions the fig tree first told Jesus that it would not give Him any fruit, but Jesus answered it. What answers are you giving to the problems that are talking to you?   Start using the promises of God against them, and expect the power of God to work in your behalf.